Poster Title: Navigating
the Saudi Cloudscape: Unraveling the Regulations and Resolving Challenges for
Cloud in Healthcare.
2nd Speech Title: Artificial
Intelligence – Deep Learning in Pathology
Biography: Dr. Ibrahim
Mansoor is a Surgical and Clinical Pathologist, completed his residency
training in Anatomical and Clinical Pathology from Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL. He also acquired fellowship
training from Yale School of Medicine, and Mayo Clinic Roch-ester. He has been
practicing in United Sates before he decided to come to Middle East and serve
Director of the Laboratory services and Blood Bank at Kings College London
Jeddah. Dr. Mansoor has extensively published (>50) in various disciplines
of pathology and has given multiple Grand Rounds and Na-tional Review courses.
He has special interest in informatics and Digital pathology.