Board Certified in Cosmetic Gynecology from ABCG
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology
Specialist Biomedical Scientist (Blood Sciences)
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution named after Loginov A.S
Dr. Qun Dang
Dr. Raya Hasanain
Dr. Maedeh Ghorbanpour
Laboratory of language
MD in Pathology etki lekha or size kara bakita
Chief Medical Officer for Imperial County Medical Group
Moscow Health Department
working as Junior Consultant in Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah
Ph.D. in Biotechnology
Blood Bank at Kings College London Jeddah
Currently, she serves as an Assistant Professor at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University...
Completed her MBBS from King Edward Medical University
working as senior resident in the Department of Oncopathology
Gwynedd Hospital, Bangor, North Wales, BCUHB
Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy department of university of Benin Teaching Hospital for 12...
MBBS from Seth G. S. Medical College in Mumbai, India and is presently...
Head of Digital Pathology, Pramana
Dentist from Colombia
Junior Pathologist
Research primarily focuses on cardiovascular, neurological, and oncological imaging
William Harvey hospital
Breast Pathologist